Why the $55.55 price?

Many people, believe that 555 represents new beginnings.

555 resonates with me, personally, because many years ago, when I became more inTUNE with my environment, I would see numbers, from my time of birth to my date of birth and many more.

One night, I was leaving an event and decided to stop at a late-night diner. I ordered my usual and decided to relax and enjoy my meal. Usually, when I order food, I leave as soon as I’m done, but that time, I decided to wait until suddenly I felt an URGE to leave. When I looked at my clock, it was 5:55am.

Upon leaving, I decided to stop across the street from a gas station. As I sat in my truck, I noticed a couple walking to the gas station from their condo. A homeless man approached them, asking for change. The man politely gave the homeless gentleman some money. After the couple went into the store and then left, they started walking back to their home. The homeless man approached the couple again and asked if they had any cigarettes. The couple politely declined and continued to walk.

The homeless man started spewing racial epithets and verbally attacking the couple a few seconds later. As he started to follow the couple toward their home, I immediately pulled up and told him to leave them alone. I told him those people were kind to him, and he needed to back off. He eventually walked away.

Who knows what would've happened if I wasn’t there? I was in the right place at the right time, and that wasn’t the only time that something synchronized like that has happened. Not only have I seen 555 and other synchronized patterns throughout my journey, but many years later, as I was formulating a product that could be used to nourish and restore the body on many levels, I stumbled across 555 yet again. I first experimented with these powerful compounds on my own body, and because I was really impressed with the results, I wanted to introduce my findings with my community. I calculated the measurements of each serving and something profound happened. Well, what do you know? Each serving came up to exactly 555 milligrams. I didn’t plan it that way; it just happened that way.

In life, I’ve found that when you don’t force anything but rather move with grace, some divine things begin to occur. I am honored to bring you something that I feel may truly benefit you. I take pride in serving my community and pray that you find what you’re looking for.

I love you with my highest love.
~Omar Slim White~